Saishin Hobby at FEATI-O Festival 2011

Sorry for the late post, I was busy with some work at my dad's office. Saishin Hobby was at FEATI-O Festival last July 30, 2011.
Saishin Hobby Booth at FEATI University 4th Floor

MG 1/00 Gundam Deathscythe EW Version

Brave Battle Warriors Shin Gouka Ryuusou Ryuubi Gundam
Saishin Hobby's Collection and some Merchandizes

 My friend's Patrick owner of Otakuhobbitoys.Ph and some Cosplayers

The Event at FEATI University Gymnasium 5th Floor 
The event organizer had made some errors, putting us booth owners on the 4th Floor, while the Cosplay Event Area is located at the 5th Floor Gymnasium. The other booth owners packed early and left at 2:30pm. I'm hoping for the next event in FEATI, this won't happen again, I'm very disappointed at the event of FEATI-O Festival last July 30, 2011. 
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