Saishin Hobby at League of Hobbyists Assembly

The Main Entrance to the Secret Fresh Gallery

A little close-up to the paper that is stick on the door

 Inside Secret Fresh Gallery Lobby

 Entrance to Secret Fresh Gallery 2nd Floor

Secret Fresh Gallery 2nd Floor

The Painting in Secret Fresh Gallery 2nd Floor

 A Sign to the Restroom

Toys Exhibit

 Lecture, Conference and Raffle

The conference is located at the Secret Fresh Gallery 2nd floor, the venue is located at Secret Fresh Gallery, Ronac Art Center, Ortigas Ave., Greenhills, San Juan. The purpose of this assembly is to teach us how to start up our own hobby store and business and also how to have a successful store by just marketing it offline and having the advantage to use the free service and zero transaction fee of the Multiply Marketplace and online store platform. The Speakers of this assembly will be from our hobby store community, Multiply merchants and
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